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Your First Step to Freedom

Starts Here

Find your Path to Freedom with foot diagnosis.

Foot diagnosis is a profound tool for discovering your personal physical and emotional strengths that will take you from where you are now (point of pain) to where you want to be (freedom from pain).

This is a special, enriching and fun one hour that will leave you inspired and wired to get your health back now.

Price: 300 NIS

Try it. You'll love it!


“A foot reading session with Elyse is a wonderful, enlightening experience that I highly recommend if you want insights on your talents and gifts, and a bigger picture and overview of your life.


It’s amazing what Elyse can see by reading your feet: your path in life from birth to now; what makes you the person you are today; how your energy supports you in moving forward on your path, and much more.


She also reads your general health, and provides you with practical tips to take good care of your body – tips that are tailor-made for you.


Elyse is warm, loving, smart and a great person to talk to.


Go have your feet read if you have any questions about your life, purpose or what to do with it. It’s amazing how she can help you in such a short amount of time!”



Brigitte van Tuijl

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